How The Camel Got His Hump Class 8 Summary Introduction
In the lesson, how the camel got his hump class 8 summary you are going to read about the camel that does not do any work. This poem was written by Rudyard Kipling. This is the story about and camel which does not do any work by saying Hump!!
Everyone gives advice but that did not listen to anyone’s words. That comes camel comes and work with me to the camel did not give any replies. So that the other animals want to do the work on double time this irritates other animals. Complaints to the Djinn and Djinn give the solution by giving Hump to that camel.
At the starting of the world, animals do work for humans. There was a lazy camel which does not do any work which says only Hump nothing else.
The horse came near the camel and said camel come out and throat like rest of US but the camel replied the only hump. Then the horse left angrily and told to the men.
Then presently the dog came to him with a stick on his mouth. And said come and fetch and carry like rest of us. Camel replied same thing Hump!! Dog went away.
Now ox came near the camel and asked come and plow like us. The reply from the camel Nothing Hump!! ox went away.
Now they three went to men and complained. The men said to do the work double a time.

The three animals got angry and Complained to djinn who is the charge of all desert rolling in the dust.
The djinn challenges the camel who said Hump. The djinn understands that the camel needs a hump. By the magic powers of djinn, the hump has been grown suddenly. The djinn was sat near the camel keeping a hand on the chin.
Camal sees the own reflection in the pool of water. The hump is growing larger and larger.
Now djinn has given hump and advice that you have missed your three days and complete the work with your friends. Finally the camel joined the three.